Tags de compatibilidade de plataforma#

As tags de compatibilidade de plataforma permitem que ferramentas de construção marquem as distribuições como sendo compatíveis com plataformas específicas e permitem que os instaladores entendam quais distribuições são compatíveis com o sistema em que estão executando.

Visão geral#

Oformato da tag é {python tag}-{abi tag}-{platform tag}.

python tag

‘py27’, ‘cp33’

abi tag

‘cp32dmu’, ‘none’

platform tag

‘linux_x86_64’, ‘any’

Por exemplo, a tag py27-none-any indica compatibilidade com Python 2.7 (qualquer implementação Python 2.7), com nenhum requisito de ABI, em qualquer plataforma.

O formato de pacote construído wheel inclui essas tags em seus nomes de arquivo, no formato {distribution}-{version}(-{build tag})?-{python tag}-{abitag}-{platform tag} .whl. Outros formatos de pacote podem ter suas próprias convenções.

Quaisquer espaços em potencial em alguma tag deve ser substituído por _.

A tag Python#

A tag Python indica a implementação e a versão exigida por uma distribuição. As principais implementações têm códigos abreviados, inicialmente:

  • py: Python genérico (não requer recursos específicos de implementação)

  • cp: CPython

  • ip: IronPython

  • pp: PyPy

  • jy: Jython

Other Python implementations should use sys.implementation.name.

A versão é py_version_nodot. CPython fica sem ponto, mas se um for necessário, o sublinhado _ é usado em seu lugar. PyPy provavelmente deve usar suas próprias versões aqui pp18, pp19.

A versão pode ser apenas a versão principal 2 ou 3 py2, py3 para muitas distribuições de Python puro.

É importante ressaltar que as tags somente da versão principal, como py2 e py3, não são abreviações para py20 e py30. Em vez disso, essas tags significam que o empacotador lançou intencionalmente uma distribuição compatível com várias versões.

Uma distribuição compatível com Python 2/3 de fonte única pode usar a tag composta py2.py3. Consulte Conjuntos de tags compactadas, abaixo.

A tag ABI#

A tag ABI indica qual ABI do Python é necessária para qualquer módulo de extensão incluído. Para ABIs específicos de implementação, a implementação é abreviada da mesma forma que a tag Python, por exemplo cp33d seria o ABI CPython 3.3 com depuração.

A ABI estável do CPython é abi3 como no sufixo da biblioteca compartilhada.

Implementações com uma ABI muito instável podem usar os primeiros 6 bytes (como 8 caracteres codificados em base64) do hash SHA-256 de sua revisão de código-fonte e sinalizadores de compilador, etc, mas provavelmente não terão uma grande necessidade de distribuir distribuições binárias. A comunidade de cada implementação pode decidir como usar melhor a tag ABI.

A tag Platform#

Basic platform tags#

In its simplest form, the platform tag is sysconfig.get_platform() with all hyphens - and periods . replaced with underscore _. Until the removal of distutils in Python 3.12, this was distutils.util.get_platform(). For example:

  • win32

  • linux_i386

  • linux_x86_64


The simple scheme above is insufficient for public distribution of wheel files to Linux platforms, due to the large ecosystem of Linux platforms and subtle differences between them.

Instead, for those platforms, the manylinux standard represents a common subset of Linux platforms, and allows building wheels tagged with the manylinux platform tag which can be used across most common Linux distributions.

The current standard is the future-proof manylinux_x_y standard. It defines tags of the form manylinux_x_y_arch, where x and y are glibc major and minor versions supported (e.g. manylinux_2_24_xxx should work on any distro using glibc 2.24+), and arch is the architecture, matching the value of sysconfig.get_platform() on the system as in the “simple” form above.

The following older tags are still supported for backward compatibility:

  • manylinux1 supports glibc 2.5 on x86_64 and i686 architectures.

  • manylinux2010 supports glibc 2.12 on x86_64 and i686.

  • manylinux2014 supports glibc 2.17 on x86_64, i686, aarch64, armv7l, ppc64, ppc64le, and s390x.

Em geral, as distribuições construídas para versões mais antigas da especificação são compatíveis com versões futuras (o que significa que as distribuições manylinux1 devem continuar a funcionar em sistemas modernos), mas não compatíveis com versões anteriores (significando que distribuições manylinux2010 não devem trabalhar em plataformas que existiam antes de 2010).

Os mantenedores do pacote devem tentar atingir a especificação mais compatível possível, com a ressalva de que o ambiente de compilação fornecido para manylinux1 e manylinux2010 atingiu o fim da vida, o que significa que essas imagens não receberão mais atualizações de segurança.

A tabela a seguir mostra as versões mínimas de projetos relevantes para oferecer suporte aos vários padrões manylinux:















>=3.3.0 [1]


The musllinux family of tags is similar to manylinux, but for Linux platforms that use the musl libc rather than glibc (a prime example being Alpine Linux). The schema is musllinux_x_y_arch, supporting musl x.y and higher on the architecture arch.

The musl version values can be obtained by executing the musl libc shared library the Python interpreter is currently running on, and parsing the output:

import re
import subprocess

def get_musl_major_minor(so: str) -> tuple[int, int] | None:
    """Detect musl runtime version.

    Returns a two-tuple ``(major, minor)`` that indicates musl
    library's version, or ``None`` if the given libc .so does not
    output expected information.

    The libc library should output something like this to stderr::

        musl libc (x86_64)
        Version 1.2.2
        Dynamic Program Loader
    proc = subprocess.run([so], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
    lines = (line.strip() for line in proc.stderr.splitlines())
    lines = [line for line in lines if line]
    if len(lines) < 2 or lines[0][:4] != "musl":
        return None
    match = re.match(r"Version (\d+)\.(\d+)", lines[1])
    if match:
        return (int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))
    return None

There are currently two possible ways to find the musl library’s location that a Python interpreter is running on, either with the system ldd command, or by parsing the PT_INTERP section’s value from the executable’s ELF header.


The tags are used by installers to decide which built distribution (if any) to download from a list of potential built distributions. The installer maintains a list of (pyver, abi, arch) tuples that it will support. If the built distribution’s tag is in the list, then it can be installed.

It is recommended that installers try to choose the most feature complete built distribution available (the one most specific to the installation environment) by default before falling back to pure Python versions published for older Python releases. Installers are also recommended to provide a way to configure and re-order the list of allowed compatibility tags; for example, a user might accept only the *-none-any tags to only download built packages that advertise themselves as being pure Python.

Another desirable installer feature might be to include “re-compile from source if possible” as more preferable than some of the compatible but legacy pre-built options.

This example list is for an installer running under CPython 3.3 on a linux_x86_64 system. It is in order from most-preferred (a distribution with a compiled extension module, built for the current version of Python) to least-preferred (a pure-Python distribution built with an older version of Python):

  1. cp33-cp33m-linux_x86_64

  2. cp33-abi3-linux_x86_64

  3. cp3-abi3-linux_x86_64

  4. cp33-none-linux_x86_64*

  5. cp3-none-linux_x86_64*

  6. py33-none-linux_x86_64*

  7. py3-none-linux_x86_64*

  8. cp33-none-any

  9. cp3-none-any

  10. py33-none-any

  11. py3-none-any

  12. py32-none-any

  13. py31-none-any

  14. py30-none-any

  • Built distributions may be platform specific for reasons other than C extensions, such as by including a native executable invoked as a subprocess.

Sometimes there will be more than one supported built distribution for a particular version of a package. For example, a packager could release a package tagged cp33-abi3-linux_x86_64 that contains an optional C extension and the same distribution tagged py3-none-any that does not. The index of the tag in the supported tags list breaks the tie, and the package with the C extension is installed in preference to the package without because that tag appears first in the list.

Conjuntos de Etiquetas Comprimidos#

To allow for compact filenames of bdists that work with more than one compatibility tag triple, each tag in a filename can instead be a ‘.’-separated, sorted, set of tags. For example, pip, a pure-Python package that is written to run under Python 2 and 3 with the same source code, could distribute a bdist with the tag py2.py3-none-any. The full list of simple tags is:

for x in pytag.split('.'):
    for y in abitag.split('.'):
        for z in archtag.split('.'):
            yield '-'.join((x, y, z))

A bdist format that implements this scheme should include the expanded tags in bdist-specific metadata. This compression scheme can generate large numbers of unsupported tags and “impossible” tags that are supported by no Python implementation e.g. “cp33-cp31u-win64”, so use it sparingly.


Quais etiquetas são utilizadas por padrão?

Tools should use the most-preferred architecture dependent tag e.g. cp33-cp33m-win32 or the most-preferred pure python tag e.g. py33-none-any by default. If the packager overrides the default it indicates that they intended to provide cross-Python compatibility.

What tag do I use if my distribution uses a feature exclusive to the newest version of Python?

Compatibility tags aid installers in selecting the most compatible build of a single version of a distribution. For example, when there is no Python 3.3 compatible build of beaglevote-1.2.0 (it uses a Python 3.4 exclusive feature) it may still use the py3-none-any tag instead of the py34-none-any tag. A Python 3.3 user must combine other qualifiers, such as a requirement for the older release beaglevote-1.1.0 that does not use the new feature, to get a compatible build.

Why isn’t there a . in the Python version number?

CPython has lasted 20+ years without a 3-digit major release. This should continue for some time. Other implementations may use _ as a delimiter, since both - and . delimit the surrounding filename.

Why normalise hyphens and other non-alphanumeric characters to underscores?

To avoid conflicting with the . and - characters that separate components of the filename, and for better compatibility with the widest range of filesystem limitations for filenames (including being usable in URL paths without quoting).

Why not use special character <X> rather than . or -?

Either because that character is inconvenient or potentially confusing in some contexts (for example, + must be quoted in URLs, ~ is used to denote the user’s home directory in POSIX), or because the advantages weren’t sufficiently compelling to justify changing the existing reference implementation for the wheel format defined in PEP 427 (for example, using , rather than . to separate components in a compressed tag).

Who will maintain the registry of abbreviated implementations?

New two-letter abbreviations can be requested on the python-dev mailing list. As a rule of thumb, abbreviations are reserved for the current 4 most prominent implementations.

Does the compatibility tag go into METADATA or PKG-INFO?

No. The compatibility tag is part of the built distribution’s metadata. METADATA / PKG-INFO should be valid for an entire distribution, not a single build of that distribution.

Why didn’t you mention my favorite Python implementation?

The abbreviated tags facilitate sharing compiled Python code in a public index. Your Python implementation can use this specification too, but with longer tags. Recall that all “pure Python” built distributions just use py.

Why is the ABI tag (the second tag) sometimes “none” in the reference implementation?

Since Python 2 does not have an easy way to get to the SOABI (the concept comes from newer versions of Python 3) the reference implementation at the time of writing guesses “none”. Ideally it would detect “py27(d|m|u)” analogous to newer versions of Python, but in the meantime “none” is a good enough way to say “don’t know”.


  • February 2013: The original version of this specification was approved through PEP 425.

  • January 2016: The manylinux1 tag was approved through PEP 513.

  • April 2018: The manylinux2010 tag was approved through PEP 571.

  • July 2019: The manylinux2014 tag was approved through PEP 599.

  • November 2019: The manylinux_x_y perennial tag was approved through PEP 600.

  • April 2021: The musllinux_x_y tag was approved through PEP 656.